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Meeting Schedule

Our general meetings are free and open to the public. They are held the second Monday of the month From September through November and January through May at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science, 4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE.


Meetings begin at 6:30 PM with informal social time. Speakers begin at 7 PM. Club business follows.



January 8

Bring and Brag!

Bring one of your favorite pieces and tell us why you love it!

February 12

Searching for the Origins of Life in the Earth's Mantle

with University of Delaware Doctoral candidate Kuan-Yu Lin

You can read more about it here

March 13

Mohawk Valley Mineral Mining

with our own Dave Fordyce

The topic of the DMS March general meeting will be Mohawk Valley Mineral Mining, - Home to some of the largest Herkimer Diamonds. Dave Fordyce will be speaking about his recent machine dig at this popular site. Carey Bradley will be bringing specimens for display. There may be some giveaways, too!

April 10

The Kinzers Shale Fossils of York and Lancaster Counties

with Christopher Haefner, President of the Lancaster County Fossil and Mineral Club

Chris Haefner is the founder of the Lancaster County Fossil and Mineral Club in 2014. He is an International Buyer / Seller in fossil and mineral specimens and a Field Geologist who specializes in collecting specimens for Science.

May 13

Radioactive  Minerals

with our own Rick Strapple

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